Other services

First and foremost, we understand the financial audit as an instrument to provide insights to our clients with respect to the implemented business strategy, day to day processes and the preparation of financial statements and reduction of related risks as well as to evaluate if the requirements of legal acts are followed properly.

While providing our audit services and following the principles of independence, objectivity, confidentiality and other ethical standards for auditors, we seek to give reliability to the financial information critical in your activities and help you to take the right decisions with respect to the results of the company, management and control systems, projects undertaken and any other matters, where the comprehensive and accurate financial information is crucial.

If you would like to get our initial fee proposal for the audit of the financial statements please fill in the audit form. We will respond to you immediately. With respect to any other audit service you may require or have any questions please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.

Upon your demand we offer the below audit services: